Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts

Monday, June 21, 2021


Monday, June 21, 2021


Siapa nih yang rambutnya gampang lepek tapi mager buat sering-sering keramas?

Hayooo... kalau kalian kayak gitu, artinya kita se-frekuensi! Ahaha.


Sebenernya aku sering dilema kalau cuaca lagi panas yang ujung-ujungnya bikin kulit kepala jadi lebih mudah berminyak. Pasti ngefeknya ke rambut yang jadi cepet lepek. Mau keramas tiap hari, malah bikin rambut jadi tambah kering. Mau dibiarin, tapi penampilan jadi mirip gembel. Mau keramas pas pulang ngantor, tapi mager. Mau keramas pagi sebelum ngantor, eh, bangunnya kesiangan! Wkwkwk, hidupku mah sesulit itu >_<

Pada akhirnya produk dry shampoo jadi pilihanku. Itu loh yang disemprot ke rambut, produk yang keluar macam bedak putih-putih gitu, terus diratakan biar serbuknya enggak kelihatan aneh di kepala. Sayangnya, kalau lagi enggak ada kaca atau pas lagi buru-buru banget dan di tempat yang rame, dry shampoo kadang bisa bikin ribet juga. Kalau ngeratainnya nggak bener, serbuk putih-putih dari dry shampoo malah jadi kayak ketombe, sis!

Untungnya pas iseng jalan-jalan virtual di shopee, aku nemu produk yang auto bikin aku buru-buru checkout (lumayan lah, pas promo freeong juga, ahaha). Iyes, ini produk semacam dry shampoo tapi bentuknya tissue gitu. Namanya Hair Laundry Tissue dari brand Korea, APIEU.

Friday, February 5, 2021


Friday, February 5, 2021

vt cosmetics cica review

After trying out the Collagen Pact and Cica Redness Cover Cushion from VT Cosmetics, and got superb great result from them, I became greedier to try other products from this brand. So, when I saw VT Cosmetics held a sale event for their Cica line, I immediately purchased this product (it was almost 50% off, haha).

This is VT Cica Sun Spray SPF 50+ / PA+++ (it is actually my first sun spray product, lol). I do not use facial sun care diligently since I am lazy, haha (do not try this at home). Moreover, most of my foundie and cushion have high SPF content, so I think that’s enough to protect my face because I mostly stay indoors. But… since my beloved Cica Redness Cover Cushion doesn’t contain sun protector, so I think I am not allowed to skip sun care anymore.

This sun spray is a part of Cica Line from VT Cosmetics. And due to the awesome result I got from the cushion, I hope this product give satisfying result on me, as awesome as its sister. Well, let’s see!

Saturday, January 30, 2021


Saturday, January 30, 2021
review votre peau brightening essence

Siapa di sini yang lagi rajin nyobain produk skin care dari brand lokal? Toss dulu dong, karena kita satu frekuensi! Hehe…

Beauty enthusiast, khususnya skin care addict, pastinya ngeh banget dengan perkembangan brand lokal yang going crazy akhir-akhir ini. Mulai dari konsep produknya, ingredients yang digunakan hingga packaging-nya sukses membuat mata dan hati menjadi adhem, tapi dompet pun auto nangis  >.<

Jujur aku bangga dan senang banget karena produk lokal kita menjadi sangat inovatif dan enggak kalah dari produk luar negeri. Kalau dipikir-pikir lagi, makin ke sini produk buatan Indonesia semakin layak untuk bersaing secara global. Setuju, ya?

Nah, salah satu brand asli Indonesia yang mencuri perhatianku adalah Votre Peau.

Eh eh, bentar. Votre Peau? Ini beneran lokal? Bukannya brand dari Perancis atau Eropa-an gitu?

Thursday, May 28, 2020


Thursday, May 28, 2020

review citra fresh glow multifunction gel coconut

Produk aloe vera multifunction gel jadi populer banget sejak beberapa tahun terakhir. Kalau kalian notice, salah satu pelopornya adalah brand Korea yaitu Nature Republic. Itu loh, yang produknya ada di kemasan jar gedhe warna ijo, yang saking populernya sampai ada yang palsu juga *sigh.

Produk kayak gini memang digemari banyak kalangan karena multi-talented, eh multi-fungsi! Bisa dipakai di badan dan wajah, jadi lebih praktis dan hemat gitu. Dijadikan body lotion, pelembab wajah, wash-off mask, sleeping mask bahkan jadi primer sebelum pakai foundation juga bisa. Asyik kan?

Nah, brand lokal pun enggak mau ketinggalan ngeluarin produk multifunction gel juga dong, salah satunya Citra dengan Fresh Glow series-nya. Setauku mereka punya 4 varian multifunction gel, aloe vera; pomegranate; peach sama coconut. Tapi enggak ngerti kenapa yang peach susah banget didapat, stoknya kosong di mana-mana, padahal pengin banget cobain T.T

Produk yang aku review kali ini adalah yang varian coconut. Enggak ada alasan khusus sih waktu beli. Cap cip cup aja, HAHAHA.

Sunday, May 17, 2020


Sunday, May 17, 2020

laneige glowy makeup serum review

Hello, fellas! Ini rubrik baru di blog Saycintya. Di setiap postingan Tester Corner aku akan membagikan mini review dari skincare, makeup atau produk-produk tester/sample/miniature yang aku coba. Kebanyakan produk-produknya aku dapatkan sebagai free gifts saat aku belanja, namun ada juga yang aku beli sendiri.

Karena kebanyakan berupa sampel sachet dan berukuran mini (sehingga isinya terbatas), aku tidak akan membahas packaging dari produk yang aku review di Tester Corner. Review hanya akan fokus pada isi produk, formula dan hasil yang aku rasakan ketika beberapa kali memakainya.

Agar mini review ini tetap informatif, aku akan sertakan klaim produk dari brand yang bersangkutan dan di akhir review, aku akan kasih keputusan apakah akan membeli full size-nya atau tidak. Enjoy and hope it helpful!

Nah, produk pertama yang aku tulis mini review-nya adalah Laneige Glowy Makeup Serum. Yuk, simak!

Sunday, May 3, 2020


Sunday, May 3, 2020

review vt cosmetics white glow cc cushion 23

Kalau kalian adalah tentaranya BTS, aku yakin kalian sudah enggak asing dengan brand kecantikan dari Korea ini. Yup, VT Cosmetics langsung femes sedunia setelah BTS jadi brand ambassador mereka di tahun 2017-an. Waktu itu produk Collagen Pact mereka (yang box-nya mewah dan ada gambarnya para member BTS itu loh) sangat sangat populer. Dan dari icip-icip Collagen Pact merekalah aku jadi jatuh cinta sama brand ini, walaupun aku bukan fans-nya BTS.

VT Cosmetics punya beberapa line produk untuk skincare, bodycare dan makeup. Ada yang harganya cukup mahal kayak Collagen Pact series mereka, yang kualitasnya juga premium tentunya, dan ada beberapa produk mereka yang cukup terjangkau kayak CC Cushion yang akan aku review di post ini.

Aku beli dari ikutan jastip karena cc cushion ini belum ada yang jual di Indonesia saat itu. Fyi, punyaku ini adalah yang kemasan lama, kalau versi upgrade-nya ada gambar BTS di kardus luarnya. Tapi untuk formula cc cushion-nya sendiri setauku sama aja. Yang fans BTS, boleh deh diburu karena kardusnya ada gambar idola kalian, hehe.

Saturday, May 2, 2020


Saturday, May 2, 2020

review lucas papaw ointment

Hello guys! Cintya is here! I am really sorry for being so unproductive lately because I had so much things-have-to-finish IRL. I hope you guys miss my product review post in this blog. If so, here I’m going to share a review of my favorite ointment. It’s Lucas’ Papaw Ointment (25 g). Oh, I will use Bahasa in this post and please turn the English or other languages translation as you want ^^

Produk ini aku pakainya enggak sengaja sih. Pas bibir lagi kering dan bermasalah (gara-gara alergi lipstik), eh kebetulan kakakku beli produk ini buat bayinya. Aji mumpung ye kan, ikutan cobain dong akunya. Haha!

Lucas’ Papaw Ointment adalah pelembab multifungsi yang asalnya dari Australia. Bahan utama dari produk ini adalah buah papaya segar yang difermentasi. Dan setelah aku coba search di internet, ternyata produk ini populer di negara asalnya, dan cukup digemari juga sih di Indonesia walaupun enggak yang booming banget (atau akunya yang kudet?).

Yang membuat si Lucas’ Papaw Ointment banyak disukai adalah siapapun bisa memakai produk ini untuk apapun. Nah lo! Maksudnya, ointment ini aman digunakan untuk bayi hingga orang tua. Dan bisa digunakan untuk berbagai masalah kulit, misalnya melembabkan kulit kering, mengobati masalah ruam popok pada bayi, luka bakar, luka yang terbuka, gigitan serangga hingga solusi untuk bibir kering dan pecah-pecah. Jadi ini bukan pelembab sih, lebih tepatnya semacam salep obat (ointment) serba guna gitu.

Monday, April 15, 2019


Monday, April 15, 2019

Tren dunia kecantikan selalu berubah setiap tahunnya. Hampir dua tahun belakangan matte lipstick merajai beauty market, namun di tahun 2019 ini glossy lipstick mulai menggeser kepopuleran matte lipstick. Tak jauh beda dengan metal eyeshadow, yang populer beberapa waktu lalu, saat ini popularitasnya mulai digantikan oleh glittery shadow.

Tapi tahukah kalian, satu beauty trend yang pasti dan selalu populer setiap tahunnya? Apa hayooo?!

Kulit putih.

Yess, kulit putih yang terlihat lembut dan sehat selalu menjadi tren yang seolah-olah tak lekang oleh waktu. Apalagi saat ini demam Korea sedang melanda di mana-mana (we know, wanita Korea terkenal memiliki kulit putih cerah yang merona), yang tentunya membuat kulit putih semakin banyak digemari.

Eh, tapi apa sih yang membuat kulit putih ini begitu banyak disukai?

Thursday, January 3, 2019


Thursday, January 3, 2019

Hello everyone! Happy New Year 2019!

Lama banget enggak share beauty review di blog ini *maaf ya* Dan berhubung sekarang lagi mood, aku mau bagiin review skincare lokal (aslinya dari Jepang sih, hee).

Sooo... ada yang punya masalah dengan kulit kering atau dehidrasi? Kalau ada, dan itu adalah kamu, you come to the right place, babe! Karena aku akan bahas pengalamanku memakai produk skincare lokal yang, in my opinion, memberikan hasil yang bagus banget tapi tetap ramah di kantong.

It’s HADA LABO Gokujyun Series!

Hari ini aku akan tulis review lengkap semua produk dari line Gokujyun-nya Hada Labo. Mulai dari Hada Labo Gokujyun Ultimate Moisturizing Face Wash, Hada Labo Gokujyun Ultimate Moisturizing Light Lotion, Hada Labo Gokujyun Ultimate Moisturizing Milk, Hada Labo Gokujyun Ultimate Moisturizing Cream (night cream)!

Saturday, September 30, 2017


Saturday, September 30, 2017

Buat kalian yang suka dan rutin memakai lip care terutama dari Korean brand, pasti kenal dong sama most raved product yang enggak lain adalah Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask. Selain brand-nya sendiri udah punya nama besar, kualitas produknya yang oke ditambah lip care ini ada mini size-nya yang harganya murah meriah walaupun isinya dikit, rasanya semua orang bisa nyobain produk dari medium-end brand ini.

Nah, waktu tahu ada produk lip care yang packaging-nya mirip banget sama Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask mini size (bahkan mereka juga punya sleeping mask yang mirip sama Laneige Water Sleeping Mask mini size), aku pikir ini produk abal dan fake-nya Laneige karena harganya juga lebih murah. Tapi setelah dilihat lagi, produk ini ‘membawa’ brand-nya sendiri walaupun packaging-nya ‘plek’ banget sama Laneige. Dan pas aku cek, brand ini memang asli dari Korea yang informasinya bisa langsung diakses ke official site-nya di Yes, this is Care:nel Lip Sleeping Mask!

Jadi Care:nel Lip Sleeping Mask ini bukan produk abal-abal, tapi lebih tepat dibilang dupe-nya Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask. Tapi kira-kira kualitasnya cukup worth to try apa enggak ya? Yuk, langsung cari tahu!

Thursday, August 31, 2017


Thursday, August 31, 2017


Sudah tahukah kalian kalau Shinzui Ume punya produk baru yaitu Shinzui Ume Body Mist? Tahu kan yaa... Nah, kali ini aku akan bagikan pengalamanku mencoba body mist yang unyu-nya banget ini ^^ Hihii...

Ini wishlist aku dari beberapa bulan kemarin, sejak lihat launching-nya di FB Shinzui Ume. Tapi karena belum ada di minimarket terdekat, jadi sering kelupaan beli. So, waktu kebetulan mampir ke minimarket dan produk ini udah standby di rak parfum, ya udah langsung beli. Aku belinya di Alfamart. Harganya sekitar 17.000 rupiah.

Friday, August 25, 2017


Friday, August 25, 2017

Hello readers!

Akhirnya ke-publish juga review ini, setelah sekian lama lumutan di draft, hihii...

Sedikit cerita dulu ya, kenapa aku bisa pakai Dove Total Hair Fall Treatment ini. Tahun 2014 dan 2015-an dulu aku gila-gilaan ngecat rambut. Sebulan bisa ganti sampai 3 kali! Kebayang dong gimana rambutku menderita karena proses kimia, belum lagi rutinitas catok rambut yang hampir tiap hari aku lakukan. Pokoknya itu masa-masa kelam lah buat rambutku >.<
Ujung-ujungnya aku mengalami masalah rambut rontok yang cukup parah. Biarpun sudah berhenti ngecat rambut, rontoknya tetap terjadi. Sempat bingung juga cari produk hair care (terutama shampoo sama conditioner) yang cocok. Kebanyakan produk yang dijual di pasaran enggak mempan, malah bikin rontok tambah parah karena diganti-ganti mulu. Huhuu T.T

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Dear Ladies,

Apakah kalian masih ingat, salah satu kebiasaan saat masih SD yaitu mengisi biodata di diary milik teman sekelas kita? Apa yang kalian tulis di bagian “cita-cita”?

Seingat saya sih, dulu saya menuliskan cita-cita menjadi “penulis” dan itu bertahan hingga saat ini. Sekalipun telah menjadi full time officer, tidak menyurutkan kegemaran saya dalam hal tulis-menulis. Dan itu saya tuangkan di dalam blog ini. Di sinilah tempat saya berbagi dengan kalian tentang ketertarikan saya di bidang kecantikan.
Bagi saya menjadi seorang beauty blogger bukan hanya sekedar sharing haul tiap bulan. Bukan pula soal popularitas atau prestige. Seorang beauty blogger memiliki peran lebih dari itu. Sebagai beauty blogger, saya harus mampu memberikan inspirasi yang positif bagi pembaca dan memberikan konten-konten bermanfaat di dalam blog untuk membantu siapapun agar bisa tampil lebih cantik dengan cara yang benar dan sehat. Dan itulah yang sedang saya pelajari saat ini. Bagaimana saya bisa menjalankan peranan saya sebagai beauty blogger dengan sebaik-baiknya.
Belajar itu tidak ada batas waktunya, betul nggak? Kita belajar setiap hari, setiap saat. Meskipun blog ini telah berjalan lebih dari satu tahun, saya merasa masih perlu melakukan banyak perbaikan di setiap postingan yang saya unggah. Kadang saya merasa tidak percaya diri juga saat menulis sebuah blog post. Kira-kira banyak yang suka artikel saya atau enggak, ya? Duh, gimana kalau yang baca nanti cuma sedikit?

Saturday, October 8, 2016


Saturday, October 8, 2016
Hello everyone!

Nge-review produk terus kayaknya bosan deh! Soooo... di postingan kali ini aku akan berbagi beberapa trik unik seputar makeup yang mudah dilakukan dan akan membuat penampilan kalian menjadi lebih sempura. Langsung aja yukk...

I will share to you guys about some makeup-hacks that will help you to get a perfect makeup look in unique and unusual ways. Should we begin?

1. Gunakan Lip Balm Untuk Melembapkan Area Wajah Yang Kering
   Use Lip Balm To Reduce Dry Patch

Ternyata lip balm yang setiap hari menjadi andalan kita buat melembabkan bibir dan mencegahnya menjadi kering, bisa juga lho dipakai untuk melembabkan area wajah yang kering. Enggak percaya?

Bagi yang memiliki kulit kering, pasti sering menjumpai adanya dry patch yang sangat mengganggu di wajah kita. Kalau aku, sering banget mendapati area yang sangat kering di sekitar bibir dan di bawah alis. Mungkin kalian juga mengalami hal yang sama di bagian wajah yang lain. Yang jelas area kering ini sering merusak makeup >_< Nah, aku biasanya pakai trik ini untuk mengatasinya. Dengan lip balm!

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Annyeong Chingudeul!

I’m back to review another makeup product again. Today’s for an American famous brand, Benefit. And the product’s called How To Look The Best At Everything Flawless Complexion Makeup Kit, such a long name, huh?
There are two variant for this product, cmiiw. The white-peach box is for Light shade and the greeny one is for Medium shade. Mine is the light one.
Well, actually when people asking me to choose among Local, Korean, Japan or USA makeup brands, I will definitely point toward the Korean and Japan brands. It’s because I have no other choice since most of Korean and Japan brand are so friendly to my skin, besides loving their cute packaging lah. But, it doesn’t mean I don’t love Indonesian local products. I still love it for sure. Unfortunately, I have some...errr I think nearly always getting trouble when using local makeup products. Pfff...
Idk why, but almost all of my experience using local makeup has so damn bad ending with breakouts, comedos, itchy or reddish skin even using the products for sensitive skin! #cryinginthecorner. I was so frustrated and never buy local product anymore because of those tragedies, except I REALLY want the product!

Like the local products, I got the same damn bad experience using the USA brands. I’ve been using Maybeline BB Cream and foundie from Revlon then found out that my face was full of blemishes everywhere. Damn it!
Then I reached that time, about some months ago when I was browsing on instagram, I found this Benefit Makeup Kit and told to myself that I really want it like crazy. I was doubt at first because Benefit is Maybeline’s and Revlon’s friend, also the price is kinda expensive for me, it was around IDR 500k. But I thought the result may be different because it’s not a drugstore product, right? So yeah, I made a deal wif myself and bought it.

Read the review below but be aware, it’s gonna be lotta pictures here!!!

I was yelling like silly kid when first time receiving this product. It’s so cute with its peachy color box. Look what products you will get on the back of the outer box. And read the descriptions and ingredients of each products on the sides box.
The inner box is exactly same with the outer, but different in the back. The box is designed like a cute diary with hard cover. Even my Mom thought I’ve just bought a book, LOL. Don’t worry the cover or the cap won’t open easily because it’s tightly magnetised.
Once you open the box, you will see four products which are ready to help you to get your flawless skin. And yeay, there’s Tips and Tricks to Instant Beauty by Benefit too on the back of its cover. Another surprise thing is when I found a mirror hiding behind the Tips and Tricks paper. I took pictures of each Tips and Tricks, you can read it by clicking those pictures below.
Well, I think it’s a perfect makeup kit package. I love with the diary concept and also fall in love with the peach colored box. That’s all so eye-catching!

As you can see on the pictures above, I got four products in the box. They are all in the travel size, I think they’re so cute though. The content consists of primer, liquid foundation, concealer, and powder. Lemme talk about it one by one.

1.      The Porefessional (7.5 ml)

The packaging is extremely cute, isn’t it? It came in a mini tube with blue-green colored. No wonder because the weight is just 7.5 ml.
This primer is brownish in color and so easily to blend with translucent finish. This face primer consists of cyclohexasiloxane (silicon). It makes your skin feel smooth and silky instantly once you applied it on your face. Of course, it will help foundie getting easier to be applied. Also this makeup base is claimed to minimize the appearance of pores and I read many good reviews about that. On my face, I still can see some BIG pores *blame it on my skin!* but it works well for smaller pores. However, I still like the blur effect of it.
Other things I like from The Porefessional is because this product is oil free and has a good staying power. Besides that I don’t smell any annoying fragrance from it, just a floral scent but not too strong. In conclusion, I like this face primer.

2.      Hello Flawless Oxygen WOW SPF 25 PA+++ - “Cheers To Me” Champagne (7.0 ml)

I have to admit that one of my reasons why I wanted this makeup kit crazily is because of the foundation. I’m not talking about its formula or how many good reviews I read, I just felt in love with the packaging, indeed! LOL.
I’m not wrong for the packaging lah. It’s BIG YES so cute and the travel friendly size makes it so perfect to go into my makeup pouch. Seems like I wanna bring it everywhere I go ahahaa... Well, it came in a transparent plastic bottle with pump. Btw, the travel size packaging is actually same as the full sized product. I personally like pump bottle because it will be more hygienic when we want to take out the foundation itself.
Now move to the content. Hello Flawless Oxygen WOW is a liquid type foundation. It has watery-creamy texture and lightweight. I like it because I don’t need so much effort to blend it on my face. You can apply it with brush, sponge or even your fingers easily. It’s easy like easssyyy...
The shade is Champagne. I don’t know why Benefit pick this shade for their “Light” makeup kit because this shade is actually on the third number of Hello Flawless foundie. And yes as I mentioned, I was a bit surprised with how yellowish the undertoned it is! But free of worry, awhile after blended into my skin it turns lighter *thank God* but I still got the yellowish undertone. Not a big problem lah. It has satin finish, neither matte nor dewy. This is a good combination since the Porefessional is matte.
This foundation has sheer to medium coverage. You can apply two layer without feeling heavy since the texture is light. If you sheer apply it, you’ll get the natural look like your second skin. However, I wish getting lighter shade than this. Or at least the pink undertoned one.

3.      BOI-ING 01 & 02 (2 x 1.5 g)

Boing boing! Yes, Benefit included two shades of concealer in this kit. Here’s I got no. 01 which is light and 02 for light-medium. It comes in a thin plastic jar and each shade is 1.5 gram. It’s an enough amount for the kit lah since we don’t use concealer to our whole face, do we?
The form of this Boi-ing concealer is compact but creamy-powdery in texture. You can check out the swatches of both shades on the picture below. See? The light shade is coming in bright and pale ivory meanwhile the second shade is almost light beige. These colors are perfect for my skin, now thank to Benefit ^u^
I use the first shade to cover up my under eye area and the second one for covering blemishes. I often mix both colors to conceal any imperfections, and that works well. If you’re wondering about how great this cutie pie’s power, please look at the pictures below.
As you can see, I have a little black dot on my back hand (that’s my mole, LOL), exactly in the red circle area. I mix both shades to conceal the mole and you can see the result in the red heart area. This product is great, imo. It covers up well and blend naturally too.
On the other hand, I have to say that it’s kinda tricky to get the best result using this concealer. You have to know the right way how to apply it. First time, I used brush to apply it and that was so terrible choice. I got the cakey-ness and the result was bitchy! It also dried up around blemishes and created ugly dots, like I’m having fungus on my skin, LOL.
So I changed my technique by using my fingertip. This way works more more better. I warm up the concealer between my tumbs and fingertip and just apply lightly to get the natural finish by gently patting my fingertip instead of rubbing it over area I want to conceal. Before that, make sure that your skin is moistened well to avoid dryness. Once you knew the right way to apply it, you will take it as your holy grail!

4.      Hello Flawless Powder - “Me, Vain?” Champagne (4.0 g)

The fourth product in this makeup kit is the Hello Flawless Powder which is the last step in order to get flawless skin with Benefit. Ah, it also comes with the mini brush. So let’s talk about it first.
The brush is in black color which is looking elegant and not cheapy, moreover there’s a carving(?) of word “benefit” there. The brush itself is smooth and doesn’t fall off easily. Nevertheless, I never use this brush to apply the powder because the handle is too short. I like to use my regular round brush because the rounded shape brush is more comfortable to spread powder. For this benefit’s brush, I still use it to make highlight on my nose bridge :D

Moving on... This Hello Flawless Powder is a compact powder with smooth texture. Honestly, the beads feels so soft over my skin and not clumpy. Unlike the liquid foundation which is sooo yellowish undertoned, the powder has friendly shade for my skin. I got the shade in Champagne, same like the foundie, but this is light beige with no yellowish tone. And the coverage is sheer with matte finish.
Unfortunately, like no other products in this makeup kit that come into travel size, I can’t bring this powder without taking the diary box too. Because the powder itself is adhered on the box.

This makeup kit really helps everyone who wants to get a flawless skin. The combination of each product is awesome. The Porefessional works well as a face primer viz minimize pores, good enough oil control and giving your skin extra smooth texture. The liquid foundation gives you a satin finish without feeling heavy, though it’s too yellow for my skin. You are closer to your flawless skin by using the Boi-ing concealer that has good coverage but still lightweight. It can hide your imperfections like blemishes, panda’s eyes or redness on your skin. Then complete the steps by sweeping the powder to seal your makeup and make it long last. And you’re there, the flawless skin!

In fact, I thought this Benefit makeup kit is my dream comes true to get my flawless skin. For about 5 or 6 days using it daily, yes it was! But the next day, I started getting blemishes and some pimples on my cheeks and forehead. I didn’t feel either itchy or reddish on my face. So I thought it was normal during my PMS. I was so stupid because then I realised that I’ve just got my period that month. Ha!
At that time, I already got some blemishes and count it. One, two, three.... Aaarrgghhh!!! DAMN IT!
It must be my own fault *please forgive me, my skin!* So I started reading the ingredients again. I notice that benefit gives a caution on the kit box for Hello Flawless products, both the foundie and the powder. “Discontinue use if signs of irritation or rash appear” Besides, I found that one of the active ingredient of those product is Octinoxate. Some of sensitive skin, including mine is not friendly with this content although in a small percentage. OMG, I WAS BLIND WHY I DIDN’T READ THAT CLEARLY??!

Well, I’m not sure whether Octinoxate or others that caused breakout on my face, but then I stop using the foundie and powder. After that, the blemishes and pimples stop appearing too. I dared myself to continue using The Porefessional and Boi-ing concealer. Lucky, those don’t cause any trouble on my face until now.
I am a crying baby looking at the Hello Flawless Oxygen WOW foundation of mine in my makeup box and can’t use it anymore. What a pity me since the foundie is the cutest product of those four. And I so so soo much love the packaging, bzzz... 

Anyway, I regret why I didn’t take selfie while using this makeup kit on my face because if anyone ask me to use all the four products again, I will say, “Hell...No!” Hehehee... Forgive me, I really don’t want to take the risk by using it anymore.

In the end, Idk how much stars I should give to this Benefit makeup kit... I’m damn disappointed with 2 of those 4 products and there’s none who able to be blamed since, in fact, my skin is so sensitive. As personal, I give it 2.5 stars of 5 because of the breakouts. But I will recommend this makeup kit to everyone with normal or friendly skin who wants to get a makeup kit for flawless skin. Yeah, you should try this one!
What do you think guys? Have you ever tried any Benefit product too? Please share with me...


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