Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Hello everybody!

As women, we really care about our body shapes. Everybody, of course, wants to have perfect body shape. But most of us, unfortunately, think that ‘perfect’ shape means slim and skinny figure. That’s why women do extreme diet to get ‘perfect’ body. They may forget that healthy body is more important than ‘perfect’ body.
But, is it possible to get ‘perfect’ yet healthy body for us without ruining our life with extreme diet? I will answer, yes!
Diet doesn’t mean we eat NOTHING to get ‘perfect’ body, slim figure or ‘killer’ legs. A good diet program should help us to balance our healthy and ‘perfect’ body. If we have healthy body with good lifestyle, ideal body will be reached naturally. Try these simple tips that may help you to get ‘perfect’ and healthy body.

Educate Yourself

First, do not think that ‘perfect’ and healthy body is something that instantly we could reach without effort. Taking a good diet program couldn’t give us an instant result within a week. It needs process, we have to do it continuously and consistently.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Hello everyone!

Now let’s talk about a kind of fashion style that always ‘in’ and never die from year to years. Vintage style! Well, you can say it’s old fashion, a part of retro, classic and simple or whatsoever. Some people may think that vintage style is kinda granny -.- but in fact, many people still love vintage fashion too.

Of course if we could choose right vintage items to be worn, it would be unique yet pretty. Vintage fashion, absolutely, doesn’t make you look like an old person. You will love this style once you found how to mix and match the items.

Vintage clothes is mostly simple with not too much design. The related vintage things are usually like lace, ruffles, pleats, flare skirt and many more. Ah, the cheerful vintage clothes may be printed with polkadot or floral patterns. So chic!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Halo hallooo.....!!! Hallo to March too^^

Today let me share a review of Color Matte Lipstick from Indonesian brand called Purbasari. This lipstick is very popular in my country. Well, not only about its superb affordable prices but also the awesome formula. Keep reading, babes!

Agak malu sih, sebenarnya karena baru publish review ini sekarang hehee. Purbasari Color Matte Lipstick ini aku beli sudah lama tapi memang baru sempat bikin review sekarang. Telat banget ya, review-nya karena lipstick satu ini sudah booming dari tahun kemarin. But better late than never, yah.
Personally, aku bukan penggemar matte lipstick tapi sukses dibikin penasaran sama formula Purbasari Color Matte Lipstick yang katanya enak banget di bibir. Sayangnya, warna-warna dari koleksi Purbasari Color Matte yang edisi pertama belum ada yang ‘sreg’ di aku. Barulah waktu Purbasari launched 5 new shades, ada warna yang bikin aku, akhirnya, tertarik. Hehee...

Should we begin the review of Purbasari Color Matte Lipstick?

Saturday, February 25, 2017


Saturday, February 25, 2017

I should say: the house shelters day-dreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace – Gaston Bachelard

Jika harus menggambarkan rumah impian yang kita inginkan, tempat tinggal seperti apa yang terpikirkan? Rumah pantai bergaya arsitektur minimalis milik Han Ji Eun di drama Full House? Rumah atap unik yang ditinggali Park Ha di Rooftop Prince? Atau rumah megah bergaya klasik milik si Goblin ganteng Kim Shin? Kalau saya sih, lebih memilih untuk tinggal di apartemen.
Bagi saya, apartemen bisa menjadi pilihan terbaik untuk tinggal di kota besar mengingat kepadatan penduduk Indonesia yang terus meningkat sementara lahan semakin menyempit. Berikut ini 5 alasan terbaik kenapa kita sebaiknya memilih tinggal di apartemen.

5 Keuntungan Tinggal di Apartemen

* Lokasi strategis. Apartemen biasanya dibangun di pusat kota dengan akses transportasi yang mudah, dekat lokasi perkantoran dan fasilitas umum kota. Tidak ada apartemen yang dibangun di tengah hutan, karena itu namanya gua bukan apartemen :)
* Lebih aman. Karena akan ada penjagaan 24 jam dan tentunya CCTV di setiap sudut gedung.
* Praktis. Kita tidak perlu pusing memikirkan air bersih, masalah pembuangan sampah atau repot mengurus taman karena semuanya sudah diurus oleh pihak pengembang apartemen. Dan pastinya bebas banjir!

Saturday, February 18, 2017


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Good day all! Hello~ I’m back to this blog!

Before we start this post, let me say sorry very much to my sponsors since I publish the post too late from the deadline. Because I got an accident and have been stayed for recovery. That’s exhausting, actually. But thank God, I am fine already right now.
So, today I will share to you all about some tips how to make your white top looks more playful, especially for your casual look. Also, I will give you my review about three items that I got from
Let’s start!

Well, if I ask you to check your wardrobe, I believe that all of us have white top there, at least one. Based on me, I have more than one, a lot instead. Literally I love white tops since it could be matched with any other fashion items easily. Moreover, white color looks clear and innocent too. But some people may think that white tops are boring and hella old. If you think that same, I will helps you to change your white tops more playful while you’re wearing it.

Coba cek isi lemari kalian, deh. Pasti ada aja baju atasan yang berwarna putih, minimal satu lah. Yups, atasan putih seolah jadi item wajib yang ada di lemari. Selain sering dipakai untuk acara formal misal wawancara kerja, atasan warna putih juga gampang banget dipadu-padankan sama item lain. Mau dikasih celana jeans, skirt atau outer lainnya, oke aja.
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