Friday, November 4, 2016


Friday, November 4, 2016

About three months ago, my friend gave me these skincare since I told her about my acne scars that make me going so frustrated. How sweet she is! *chu~
She told me that this whitening series works very well on her skin, especially its brightening effect. She lost her dull skin a lot after using these skincare around three weeks.

Alright, White Plus Renew series from Laneige, my favorite brand from Korea. I have to admit that my skin is unfriendly with whitening products. Most of the whitening products will cause breakout on my face, so I don’t want to waste my money trying them. But, since this White Plus Renew series is from the brand Laneige, which is I crazily fall in love with their Water Bank series, sooo why don’t give it a try?

This is trial kit version or travel pack size which consists of five products. You’ll get 5 items in a mini blue box. What you will get are:

  1. Original Essence White Plus Renew 10 ml
  2. White Plus Renew Skin Refiner 15 ml
  3. White Plus Renew Emulsion 15 ml
  4. White Plus Renew Original Cream 10 ml
  5. White Plus Renew Capsule Sleeping Pack 3 ml

Monday, October 31, 2016


Monday, October 31, 2016

I’m so proud to write this post for you all guys. Because today I’m going to introduce and share to you about a messenger application from my country, Indonesia. I hereby bring to you, Catfiz Messenger!

Catfiz Messenger is a messenger application based for Android that provides a lot of great features, even better than any other messenger applications. For its lightweight in size, Fizzlink feature which allows you to send any attachments up till 500 MB, bigger group until 2000 members, and many more!

Are you interesting with this? I don’t have any hesitation to introduce Catfiz Messenger to you since this application is getting bigger here. You could download Catfiz Messenger on Play Store and coming soon on Apps Store too. Fret not, here I write my review and experience using this awesome application. I’ll write it in Bahasa so please use the translate button to read in other language. Happy reading, fellas!
And don’t forget to add my Catfiz account or let me know yours on the comment box below. I include my Catfiz NIC and username on the end of this post, so make sure that you keep scrolling down.

Friday, October 21, 2016


Friday, October 21, 2016

Good day guys!

I think we are always not enough when talking about lipstick, right? Like we’re already having tons of lips product but still hungry to grab over and over again. And that’s happened almost all days oh my God! Sooo, now I bring you all guys my new lipstick from Korean brand which is TonyMoly Kiss Lover Lip Click in G02 – Wannabe Coral!

Well, I actually bought this product on last July but I’ve just had time to review it right now. Sorry for the delay, tehee... And I’m going to thanked to KoreaBuys for choosing me as the Queen Blogger on their last Giveaway. I got a lot voucher to shop many products there!
Here is the complete TonyMoly Kiss Lover Lip Click review...

Monday, October 17, 2016


Monday, October 17, 2016
Hi all you guys! Do you enjoy your day? I hope your day’s great, guys^^

Today I’m going to share about my favorite body care that I really love these days. It’s an olive oil product from Indonesian brand called Herborist. If you haven’t heard about this brand yet, you should read this post because their products mostly great and it brings natural concept. Please use the translate button for my Internasional sweet readers. Happy reading:))

Jadi akhir-akhir ini aku sedang bermasalah sama yang namanya kulit kering. Dan keringnya parah banget karena sampai bersisik enggak jelas. Sebelumnya aku enggak pernah bermasalah sama kulit tubuh yang kering parah. Paling diolesin body lotion, keringnya sudah hilang sendiri. But now it’s such a creepy trouble for me! Mungkin karena cuaca sering enggak menentu, kadang panas lalu tiba-tiba hujan, juga udara yang lebih windy. Makanya kulit menjadi mudah banget kering.
Berhubung body lotion dan lulur yang aku pakai jadi agak nggak mempan di kulitku yang kering, sepupuku menyarankan buat pakai body care yang berbahan dasar olive oil alias minyak zaitun.

Aku sering banget pakai skincare berbahan olive oil karena memang terkenal oke untuk melembabkan kulit. Tapi kalau untuk perawatan tubuh, well... it’s my first time. Agak bingung juga waktu pilih-pilih mau beli yang mana soalnya aku memang belum pernah beli sebelumnya. Finally, aku pilih yang packaging-nya paling cute dan meyakinkan, hahaa banci packaging banget LOL.

Pilihanku jatuh ke Herborist Minyak Zaitun! Ini produk lokal yang punya tagline “The Essence of Balinese.” Produk-produk body care dari Herborist memang dikenal alami dan Indonesia banget, ya. Aku pernah mencoba lulurnya dan hasilnya memang bagus di kulitku. So, aku punya ekspektasi tinggi untuk produk Minyak Zaitun-nya. Well, ini dia review lengkap Herborist Minyak Zaitun.

Saturday, October 8, 2016


Saturday, October 8, 2016
Hello everyone!

Nge-review produk terus kayaknya bosan deh! Soooo... di postingan kali ini aku akan berbagi beberapa trik unik seputar makeup yang mudah dilakukan dan akan membuat penampilan kalian menjadi lebih sempura. Langsung aja yukk...

I will share to you guys about some makeup-hacks that will help you to get a perfect makeup look in unique and unusual ways. Should we begin?

1. Gunakan Lip Balm Untuk Melembapkan Area Wajah Yang Kering
   Use Lip Balm To Reduce Dry Patch

Ternyata lip balm yang setiap hari menjadi andalan kita buat melembabkan bibir dan mencegahnya menjadi kering, bisa juga lho dipakai untuk melembabkan area wajah yang kering. Enggak percaya?

Bagi yang memiliki kulit kering, pasti sering menjumpai adanya dry patch yang sangat mengganggu di wajah kita. Kalau aku, sering banget mendapati area yang sangat kering di sekitar bibir dan di bawah alis. Mungkin kalian juga mengalami hal yang sama di bagian wajah yang lain. Yang jelas area kering ini sering merusak makeup >_< Nah, aku biasanya pakai trik ini untuk mengatasinya. Dengan lip balm!
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