Thursday, February 18, 2016


Thursday, February 18, 2016
Hello everyone!
Sudahkan kalian tahu tentang produk makeup bernama Moko Moko? Sebelum mulai review produknya, sedikit akan aku bahas tentang brand Moko Moko ini ya guys.

Aku pertama kali melihat produk ini di Indomaret dan waktu itu mataku langsung bling bling menangkap tumpukan makeup yang packaging-nya didominasi warna pink. Hah, maklum banci packaging, LOL. Kupikir ini produk makeup dari Korea soalnya sempat baca ada huruf hangul di kemasannya. Mungkin sister brand-nya Etude? Atau step sister-nya Tony Moly? Hihihii...

Source :

Ternyata bukan sodara-sodara. Moko Moko adalah brand lokal kok, asli Indonesia. Diproduksi oleh PT. Cosmax Indonesia yang sudah ada lisensi dari Cosmax Inc, Korea. Kalau kalian penggemar makeup dari negeri ginseng, pasti tau dengan brand seperti Etude House dan Tony Moly kan? Nah, Cosmax inilah yang menjadi produsennya di sana. And fyi, keunggulan Moko Moko ini nggak hanya pada kemasannya yang super girly dan unyu tapi juga karena produk-produk Moko Moko diformulasikan di Korea! Cihuy! Dan harganya yang ramah tamah dijamin nggak bikin kantong jebol. Cihuy lagi! Jadi tambah penasaran buat nyobain.

Source :

Semua produk Moko Moko bikin mupeng deh. Mulai dari BB cream, facial foam, compact powder, eyeshadow, eyeliner, lipstick, lipgloss bahkan ada lip marker juga!
Wait girls, jangan kalap yaa. Di postingan kali ini aku bakal bahas satu produk dulu, yaitu Milky White Facial Foam. Kebetulan facial foam dari BRTC punyaku habis dan olshop-nya juga lagi out of stock, jadi pas banget buat nyoba facial foam dari Moko Moko ini. Should we start right now?



50 Gr

IDR 29,900

·  Lightening
·  Soothing
·  Moisturizing
·  Paraben-free

Kemasannya hampir sama seperti kebanyakan facial foam, model tube dengan tutup flip top dan berbahan plastik. The color of the package is all pink! Ada gambar cewek dan cowok di bagian depan. Maybe, it means that this facial foam’s capable to be used for girls and boys (?)
Bagian belakang kemasan, ada penjelasan mengenai produk dalam tiga bahasa. Bahasa Korea dalam huruf hangul (yang font-nya cute banget, love it!), English dan bahasa Indonesia. Dan ada juga penjelasan cara pemakaiannya.
Nggak heran yah kalau desain kemasannya cute, karena memang produk Moko Moko pangsa pasarnya (#yaelah bahasa gue apalah) adalah teenagers, anak-anak High School gitu.

Saat awal membuka dan mengeluarkan isi produk, aku agak surprise karena baunya wangi banget. Walaupun namanya Milky, tapi aroma produknya sendiri nggak seperti susu, lebih seperti wangi bunga. Dan menyengat, duh. Honestly, it makes me dizzy!
Untungnya saat dipakai dan dibusakan ke wajah, wanginya mulai hilang jadi nggak sampai pingsan waktu cuci muka, LOL.

Abaikan tanganku yang kering>.<

Facial foam ini berwarna putih dan teksturnya juga creamy lembut sekali. However, konsistensi produk ini cukup kental sih, mungkin itu yang bikin aku agak susah buat menciptakan busanya. Harus ngeluarin isi agak banyak biar busanya muncul (jangan terlalu irit yaa, karena kalau mau irit mending pakai sabun colek, mbehehee=w=)
Busanya sendiri lembut sekali saat diusap dan dipijat pada wajah. Dan gampang dibilas.

Setelah mencuci muka dengan Milky White Facial Foam, kulit wajahku langsung cerah secara instan. Beneran deh, efek brightening-nya oke sekali. Tapi...
Moist effect-nya menurutku kurang sekali. Setelah dibilas aku merasa kulit wajah jadi kesat dan agak ketarik-tarik. Padahal mukaku termasuk oily, tapi aku lebih suka kalau habis cuci muka ada efek lembab dan kenyal daripada kesat. Moko Moko Milky White Facial Foam ini mengingatkan aku dengan banyak facial foam-facial foam drugstore seperti Ponds, Biore, Clean n Clear, dll yang habis dipakai selalu meninggalkan efek kesat (emang sabun cuci piring TwT). Walaupun begitu Moko Moko efek kesatnya lebih manusiawi kok, nggak sampai bikin kering kerontang la.
Tapi tetap thumbs up deh karena selain brightening effect yang berhasil banget, Milky White FF ini juga nggak bikin kulit wajahku yang manja ini jadi jerawatan. Yeay!
Overall, dengan harga yang berkisar 30an ribu, facial foam ini sekilas cukup murah. Tapi mengingat beratnya yang cuma 50 gram, jadi agak mahal untuk kalangan remaja, imo. Apalagi pakai produknya juga harus lumayan banyak biar bisa berbusa. Kalau diminta pilih facial foam lokal, aku tetap prefer dan recommend facial foam dari Hadalabo Indonesia. Lebih oke dari segi harga dan kualitas. Hanya kalah di desain packaging aja.
Rating yang aku kasih cuma 3 dari 5. Padahal aku berharap bisa dapetin hasil cuci muka seperti saat pakai facial foam dari BRTC, Laneige atau at least Innisfree mengingat Moko Moko juga diformulasikan di Korea. Tapi ternyata produk ini kurang moisturizing hasilnya di kulitku. Nevertheless, tetap worth to try kok. Apalagi buat kalian remaja-remaja yang suka style Korea.

What I Like :
·  Cute design
·  Brightening effect is so good
·  No breakout
·  Paraben free

What I Dislike :
·  Wanginya menyengat
·  Hasilnya kesat
·  Kurang melembapkan
·  Agak susah dibusakan
·  Quite pricey untuk ukuran produk lokal

Aku masih penasaran buat coba produk lain dari Moko Moko. Paling tertarik sama Lippies-nya. Warnanya oke-oke dan cute. Kalau teman-teman sudah ada yang mencoba, boleh dong bagi-bagi review-nya? Leave your comment below yah!
Buat yang masih penasaran dengan apa itu Moko Moko dan produk-produknya, bisa langsung meluncur ke website-nya atau instagram-nya Moko Moko untuk dapetin semua info lengkapnya. Bangga dengan produk dalam negeri, bangga dengan Indonesia. Semoga kedepannya makin banyak variasi produk lokal yang kualitas dan packaging-nya nggak kalah dari produk buatan luar negeri, guys.



Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Hello happy readers!
Today I’m back with another lip makeup review. This time is for one of my favorite Korean brand, 3 Concept Eyes. You know this brand, don’t you?
3 Concept Eyes Lip Lacquer.

Source : Google
When I first time knew this product, I was wondering about the quality and performance of its since I read varied reviews about this lip lacquer. Didn’t think too long, I decided to buy two of their 12 colors.
So, what’s Lip Lacquer?
It’s lipstick-like touch with press powdered-like soft cashmere lips, with a neat finish and non-sticky application.
Hmmm... then?
They claim that the Lip Lacquer :
·  More vivid than lipstick
·  Gives cashmere texture that leaves a soft finish
·  Light and natural application
·  You can mix and match with their various colors
Well, I really have high expectation for this product now.
3CE offers 12 colors for this product. They are so tempting, right? Look at how pretty that colors are!#drooling
I wanna try them all, soof!

Source : Google

Source : Google
Finally, I bought Backstage since I’m falling in love with its elegant red color. Besides, I still wanted to have nude color lippies, so I grabbed Bon Bon too because I was kinda disappointed with my Clio Lipnicure #Trouble Peach.
So, let’s check whether it really fills our expectations or not.

Do you agree if I say that the packaging is so elegant?
The box is designed very simple in black paper material and the color of the product inside is on the top of the box. They put 3CE triangle logo on the center, so cutie. I love it.
The description of the product is written in Hangul on the sides box.

Once I opened the box, found that this lip lacquer comes in a transparent bottle with black cap. Still their cute 3CE logo is printed on the center.

If I should compare it with Clio Lipnicure’s package, this one is more slim and classy while Clio’s is in chubby design. In my description, it looks more elegant and I like it for sure!

Move to the applicator now. Nothing’s special, just like many others lip tint products. They made it in a long wand which is handy to used. Take a look at the brush. Its tip is slim and so soft like fuwa-fuwa cotton. The angle of this brush helps us to apply the content easier.

Honestly, I really like the applicator. The brush feels so smooth when used onto my lips.
Clap clap!

I don’t smell any disturbing scent of it. So don’t worry if you have a sensitive nose. It smells like normal lip product.
Actually, I hope they give it fruit or bubble gum scent, LOL.


I was so glad when tried to swipe the product firstly. As they promised about the cashmere texture, that’s true. I don’t know how to describe it but I think this product has unique texture like no other my lip products before. You’ll see how creamy it was and then turns to be powdery awhile after applied. Seriously, I feel like using powder on my lips! A little bit weird for me, but at least the content is so soft and not clumpy.

I couldn’t find that this product has a great staying power at all. Frankly, it will stay okay on your lips as long as you don’t eat or drink. But after you eat or drink, just say adios! It transfers so easily, maybe because of the texture which is powdery, mehh.
It will leave sheer color on your lips. Don’t worry, you can touch up anytime you like since 3CE lip lacquer has light formula. It won’t be lumpy clumpy bumpy

Time to swatch it on the lips. Lemme try the nude color first.

Sorry for the bad lighting >.<
Bon Bon is apricot colored that makes you look lovely. This one is warm color. I got no best lighting in the picture, but actually the color look more pale peachy in real. Most of my daily lippies are based on pink colored, so I really like this one as my another choice when getting bored.

The true red color, I love it!
The second color is Backstage. It is truly cherry red color. I really love love love it!
The real red color makes your face look bright instantly once you use it. It’s gonna be the best choice everytime you want to look gorgeous.

When use it as gradation lip
Both of the colors have vivid finish. One swipe is enough for you to get those beautiful colors. They are matte but not too dry. I still feel a hint of moist lips while using it. Looking back to their commercial posters, I found that the colors are exactly same. No one is being cheated here. Everyone can get lip colors like Sora Park. Yay!

I think I’m satisfied enough with 3CE Lip Lacquer, especially with their Backstage color. I do appreciate with their light formula which keeps my lips in moist and leaves no dry patch even using their Bon Bon nude color.

What I Like :
·  Soft and light texture
·  Vivid colors
·  Doesn’t make my lips dry
·  Elegant packaging
·  So many beautiful colors collection

What I Dislike : 
·  Staying power is so so 
·  The products transfer so easily when eat or drink 
·  The powdery texture feels a bit weird

I’m going to give it 4 stars of 5. Though it doesn’t stay long last, but I still get many good things from it. Maybe I will try other colors then. All of them are very pretty. You should try too!

Thanks for reading and see you on next post!

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