Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Good day, beauties!

Who doesn’t love kimono outer? Literally we know it as traditional costume from Japan, but now kimono transformed as popular outwear for us. With its light material and tons of designs, kimono outwear’s still our favorite since the versatile effect and can be used in many occasions.
Some of us may think kimono outer is not that famous and kinda boring. Honestly, I agreed with that since I would prefer knitwear or parka, ha! But not anymore until I found some tricks how to make your kimono outer looks playful and not boring when you wear it.
If you are still confused how to mix and match your kimono outer, here I share some inspirational looks with kimono from my favorite store, StyleWe. With little great mix match, your kimono outer will complete your casual till semi-casual outfit in chic ways.

Floral Printed Kimono Outer 


I really like anything with floral patterns. Kimono outwear with floral designs and bright color looks pretty and youthful for our casual outfit.


Combine the kimono with white inner. I think it’s a great idea. I don’t know why, but they match perfectly. Try it!

Monday, January 2, 2017


Monday, January 2, 2017

My first post in 2017 !!!
Time flies sooo fast ~ It’s already 2017 oh my God! Happy New Year, Dears!!!

I did so much things, well not really that much, in 2016 but have to admit that not all of my targets has been achieved this year. But I’m not worrying about that. At least I put my best efforts in this life, rights? God always knows the best ~
Well, instead of talking about life’s goals, I’d like to talk about best beauty products I’ve tried during 2016. Here we go!

Enggak terasa tahun 2016 mau habis aja, bahkan sekarang tinggal ngitung mundur menyambut 2017! Kayaknya semakin dewasa, hari-hari jadi cepet banget berlalu, yah *apaansih-.-
Di postingan ini aku akan share beberapa produk makeup terbaik yang aku cobain selama tahun 2016. Sejujurnya, aku enggak nyobain banyak produk tahun ini, karena di pertengahan tahun aku dapat insiden jerawat cukup parah. Jadi nahan dulu enggak nyobain macem-macem produk yang bisa memperparah kondisi kulit.
Oke, ini dia Best Beauty Products in 2016 versi Cintya!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

[ REVIEW ] Bikin Kreasi Nail Art Keren Dengan SALLY HANSEN NAIL ART PEN #SILVER

Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Merry Christmas, Lovelies!
It's kinda late but I still can smell the Christmas atmosphere around the corner \^0^/

Sorry for leaving this blog around two weeks with no update post T.T Now I am really missing this blog and my lovely readers too oh my God! Well, now I'm back with a review... Enjoy!


Recently I love to make nail art on my nails, surely. I’m not a pro nail artist but I think it’s very fun doing that on your nails, especially when you are bored being home. So, today I will share a review about nail color product, Sally Hansen I Heart Nail Art Pen #Silver. I know this brand is quite famous, huh? ^^

Walaupun suka bikin nail art ala kadarnya pakai nail polish dan nail sticker, tapi jujur saya enggak terlalu tahu tentang produk-produk yang berbau nail colors. Paling hanya beberapa merek nail polish yang saya tahu dan sering beli. Sampai beberapa waktu lalu main ke Yukcoba.in dan akhirnya terpilih menjadi Happy Reviewer untuk mencoba langsung salah satu produk nail color dari brand USA yaitu Sally Hansen.

Fyi, Sally Hansen ini adalah brand USA yang sudah beken dan merajai dunia nail color. Di youtube, sudah banyak video dan tutorial, baik dari pro nail artist maupun bukan, yang menggunakan produk-produk dari Sally Hansen. Dan hampir semua youtuber bilang kalau brand ini memang awesome. Saya yang awalnya kurang ngeh dengan brand Sally Hansen, langsung googling untuk cari informasi. And that’s right! Brand ini memang sudah populer banget, terutama di luar negeri.
Penasaran dong, sama bentuk dan kualitas salah satu produk dari Sally Hansen? Well, enggak perlu basa basi lagi, yang penasaran silakan baca review-nya sampai habis ya. Ini dia Review Sally Hansen Nail Art Pen #Silver!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Hello fashion people!
December could be one of the greatest months of the year. I think much of you agree too. We are not only having Christmas celebration but also the End of the year. It means long holiday! Yeayy!!!

For people who is always busy with jobs, homeworks, exams and many things, holiday should be a precious of time to release all of the stress. Literally people like to spend their holidays with their family, friends and of course their boy/girlfriend by doing any casual things like lunch, shopping or watching movie. I have a bunch of plans doing those with some of my besties and family this month, before 2016 has gone away.
If you have some plans too to spend your holiday, well you are in the right post. I will share to you some inspirational outfits that will make you look adorable even with simple and casual style.

So, if you read my old post like a week ago, you would find that I am really falling in love with StyleWe.com since they have hundreds awesome clothes collections. The good news today is I’m back for a collaboration with StyleWe.com again. So we hereby bring to you some adorable outfits that you can wear on this winter holiday^^

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Hello everybody!

Jepang adalah salah satu negara yang memiliki teknologi tinggi dan maju dalam bidang kecantikan. Setuju, yah? Enggak heran kalau beauty brand dari Jepang, baik itu makeup maupun skincare, terkenal banget di seluruh dunia. Selain unggul di teknologi, skincare dari Jepang juga terkenal karena kandungan bahan-bahan alami khas Jepang yang membuat produknya memiliki kualitas dan hasil yang bagus bagi kulit.
Salah satu brand perawatan kulit yang terkenal dari Jepang adalah V10 Plus.

Yang suka mondar-mandir di beauty blogs dan Instagram, mungkin sudah enggak asing sama brand V10 Plus. Yes, beberapa waktu lalu serum V10 Plus sempat booming karena hasilnya yang oke banget buat berbagai macam masalah kulit. Banyak beauty bloggers yang sudah review dan artis-artis pada pakai.
V10 Plus sendiri sudah punya banyak cabang di seluruh dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Penghargaan untuk brand ini juga sudah banyak dan V10 Plus juga menjadi official skincare untuk Miss & Mrs Singapore sejak 2013 hingga 2015. Jadi makin yakin kalau brand ini punya kualitas yang oke banget.

Sooo... kali ini aku akan membagi review dari salah satu produk V10 Plus. Ini bukan serumnya tapi salah satu produk terbaru dari V10 Plus, yaitu V10 Plus Soothing Cleansing Milk.
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