Showing posts with label makeup review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label makeup review. Show all posts

Friday, May 6, 2016


Friday, May 6, 2016
Hai! Hello! How are you my beloved readers? Do you miss me? XD

Well, I have to apologize for neglecting this blog since I was too busy doing this and that, so damn. But, I promise to be more diligent blogger start from now, I wish...XD

Hari ini aku akan share sebuah review tentang salah satu eyeliner dari brand lokal yang menurutku cukup worth to try. Well, sepertinya aku memang jarang mereview produk eye makeup yah, setelah review-ku tentang EtudeHouse Tear Drop Liner, hehee...

Sebenarnya aku beli eyeliner ini juga karena enggak sengaja, iseng-iseng berhadiah gitu. Kalau produknya bagus ya bakal re-purchase lagi, kalau ternyata ZONK ya enggak apa-apa paling cuma menyesali 3 hari 3 malam doang secara harganya pun enggak mahal hihii... Oke, go straight on! Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Pixy Hypnotic Eyeliner Blue!

Oh, BLUE?! Yaa well, honestly aku bukan penggemar colorful eye makeup, tapi kemarin waktu jalan-jalan dan enggak sengaja melihat packaging si Pixy yang cukup cute ini, aku beli deh. Sekalian ganti suasana eye makeup juga sih, biar agak kreatif dikit laa ~XwX~

Are you ready? Let’s go!










2.5 mL


IDR 36,000


Bicara soal kemasan, aku paling suka sama produk yang kemasannya lucu dan colorful. Pixy Hypnotic Eyeliner  Blue ini sukses menarik perhatianku dengan outer box-nya yang didominasi warna pink dan biru. Bahan kertasnya glossy dan dihiasi gambar kerlip-kerlip bintang, kesannya jadi bling-bling.

Moving on, packaging sebenarnya dari eyeliner ini adalah botol plastik berbentuk ramping yang ukurannya pun handy. Bentuknya hampir sama dengan Maybelline Hyper Gloss Eyeliner, hanya saja yang ini agak chubby. Body botolnya berwarna hitam dengan tutup warna biru, enggak ada yang spesial sih. But, look at the stars printed there, I really love them!^^


Tongkat aplikatornya, yang juga merupakan tutup botol eyeliner ini ukurannya sangat pas menurutku. Enggak terlalu pendek atapun terlalu panjang dan enak dipegang. Untuk brush-nya memiliki ukuran yang cukup slim dengan ujung yang lancip, mirip pena. Brush-nya bukan seperti kuas yang berhelai-helai gitu ya, tapi ini seperti spidol(?) yang ujungnya dibuat lumayan lentur. Enggak perlu khawatir ada helaian bulu yang mencuat kesana kemari.

Personally, brush-nya kurang enak dipakai. Entah karena akunya yang udik atau memang kualitas brush-nya yang kurang cetar. Mungkin karena kurang fleksibel jadi enggak terlalu nyaman saat dipakai menggambar garis melengkung. Mungkin juga karena aku terbiasa pakai Maybelline Hyper Gloss yang brush-nya enakk banget hehee...


Baunya yaa bau eyeliner cair seperti kebanyakan. Agak bau kimia gitu. Tapi it’s okay laa... kan kita pakainya enggak di hidung!


Warnanya biru. Sudah jelas kan. It’s a pretty blue! Warna birunya benar-benar blue yang kodenya 0000FF. Silahkan nikmati swatch yang sudah aku buat. Di situ kelihatan kalau warna biru yang dihasilkan eyeliner ini cukup glossy. Enggak ada kandungan glitter or shimmer jadi masih cukup aman kalau dipakai untuk daily saat sedang ingin tampil beda.

Untuk swatch yang ‘slight’ itu aku pakai ujung brush buat menggaris, sedangkan kalau ‘bold’ aku pakai brush-nya dalam kondisi miring dan ditekan. Keduanya sama-sama satu kali gores saja. Warnanya pigmented ternyata^^

Nah, kalau yang ‘cat face’ itu aku menggambar pakai ujung eyeliner dan tebalnya dua kali gores. Bisa dilihat kan kalau ujungnya lancip sampai bisa dipakai menggambar seperti spidol biasa. Boleh tepuk tangan deh buat Pixy!


I have to admit that I’m really falling in love with the blue color! Sayangnya ada sedikit masalah dengan consistency produk ini. Pastikan sebelum digunakan, botolnya dikocok dulu. Karena kalau enggak, isinya suka menggumpal. Dan juga saat diaplikasikan, enggak bisa satu kali celup untuk sepanjang garis mata, harus dua sampai tiga kali secara cairan eyeliner-nya suka habis di tengah jalan X.X

Untuk swatch di mataku, aku pakai 2 layer. Dan untuk black liner-nya aku pakai Maybelline Hyper Gloss hanya satu layer. Pixy Hypnotic Eyeliner Blue ini warnanya cantik banget. Glossy and pigmented. Keringnya juga lumayan cepat, padahal dua layer. Tapi saat aku pegang-pegang mataku, rasanya seperti sedang meraba aspal; kering, kasar dan tebel banget. LOL

Daya tahan produk ini cukup oke menurutku. Dengan harga yang tergolong murah, Pixy Hypnotic Eyeliner ini mampu bertahan sekitar 4 jam. Padahal mataku cukup oily. Setelah 4 jam eyeliner-nya mulai cracked dan menimbulkan bintik-bintik biru di sekitar mata. Tapi masih tolerable sih, setidaknya dia enggak sampai smudge parah dan beleberan kemana-mana.

Produk ini meng-klaim kalau dia waterproof. Hello? Waterproof?

Silahkan perhatikan rubbed test yang aku lakukan. Saat digosok dengan kuat, produk ini masih menempel dengan manis di tanganku. Tapi begitu digosok pakai air, dadaahh...

Tentunya karena enggak waterproof, produk ini sangat mudah dibersihkan saat cleansing.

In conclusion, produk ini worth to try terutama untuk yang masih belajar makeup dan suka main-main sama dandanan yang colorful. Karena meskipun harganya murah tapi warna yang dihasilkan cantik. Aku sendiri kadang suka pakai eyeliner ini kalau lagi belanja ke mall atau saat ada acara yang enggak terlalu lama.

  • The blue color is very pretty!

  • Murah

  • Kemasannya manis

  • Enggak waterproof

  • Kadang isinya menggumpal

  • Brush-nya kurang fleksibel dan kurang lembut

  • Staying power-nya so so

  • Kering dan kasar saat dipegang

Overall, aku memberikan rating 3 untuk Pixy Hypnotic Eyeliner Blue. Walaupun begitu, aku enggak menyesal beli produk ini. Aku harap makin kesini, makin banyak produsen lokal yang berinovasi bikin produk yang bagus biar makeup Indonesia enggak kalah dari makeup luar negeri.

Gimana, kalian sudah ada yang cobain eyeliner ini atau mungkin eyeliner biru dari brand lain? Silahkan di-share di comment box ya guys. Siapa tahu aku jadi tertarik buat cobain...

*Eh, btw a lot of things happened since my last post in this blog. I received two Liebster Awards from my beloved blogger friends but, so bad that I haven’t post about those. So, please wait till my next post. I make sure that the awards will be posted ASAP! Bye!



Thursday, March 31, 2016


Thursday, March 31, 2016

“One is not enough.” The sentence is true when we are talking about BB Cream, right? Even we’ve already had one or two BB cream products, everytime we know other brands we just want to try them. That’s why we’re called women, LOL. So guys, for today I’m going to make a review about one of my BB cream from Innisfree. Actually, it is not my favorite BB cream at this time, but it was. I don’t want to talk too much, so let’s started!




40 ml

USD 21.00

This BB cream is one of Innisfree’s No Sebum series. It’s in the same line with its No Sebum Mineral Powder and No Sebum Primer. I think the Mineral Powder is the best sale of all. There’s a lot of reviews for this powder, mostly is great. No wonder la since the oil control of it is so awesome. I love the powder so much and always repurchase when runs out. Then I thought, why don’t I buy the BB cream of this No Sebum Series? So yeah, I bought No Sebum BB cream and hope it would be as great as the powder.

The naturally derived mineral sebum controlling powder adsorbs excessive sebum on skin surface, helping to present a non-greasy, soft, and powdery complexion all day long.

It also claims for its four main expertises: oil control, long lasting, no darkening, effective coverage. The product contains Jeju mineral powder and Jeju green tea, I love green tea so soo much...

The outer box is so into Innisfree, so simple and clean. Of course, like always, it is printed with soy ink. Innisfree is well known for its natural and green concept. I think that’s my first reason why I’ve tried and now falling in love with their products. You can see the outer package by clicking the pictures to zoom.
The product itself came in a white plastic tube.  Like no other BB cream packaging, Innisfree made it into a flat tube and the size isn’t that big for its 40 ml content. That’s why it doesn’t come in a pump type. I like the package because it is very friendly to my makeup pouch, so I can bring it anywhere I like in my pouch.
Don’t have anything else to be told since the tube is kinda plain and not that cute, LOL. Just see the pictures!

Like the Powder, it has natural herbal and mint scent. But this one is quite strong than the Powder’s scent and it won’t disappear once you blend the cream T_T The scent stays quite long. You might don’t like the scent if you dislike herbal scent. I felt weird too when smelt this BB cream for the first time, but then be ‘okay’ after several times using it. In fact, it won’t make you can’t breath while using this BB cream, LOL.

Sometimes BB cream with matte finish and high coverage comes in a creamy and thick texture, so does it. Well, it’s not that thick like soo thiiicckk~ at all since it’s blended quite easily. But I believe if you have dry skin, you won’t like it. Though I have an oily skin and this BB cream is smooth in texture, I have to make sure that my skin is well moistened before applying it, or the result will be clumpy.

You can see on my pictures, once applied and blended it became soo white like crazy. Look at the difference of my skin color on my back palm. Btw, when I apply the BB cream on my face, it was like a naughty ghost for awhile, LOL. After some minutes, about 10-15 minutes, it will blend naturally with your own skin. Pheww... Oh, thank you.
The result is totally matte! As an oily combination-skin person, I like it.  It also has good oil control, especially when you set it together with the No Sebum Powder. My experience, use it alone without the Powder will keep you from oily face for about 3-4 hours. And with the Powder used, it can stay non-oily up till 6 hours. Hmm... quite good!

Sorry, I didn’t include the waterproof test pictures, but this BB cream is waterproof. I had some effort to erase the swatches on my hand with water. Finally I decided to use oil cleanser.
The coverage is medium. It can cover up my dark circle and uneven skin tone, also most of my scars. But it doesn’t work that well for my super red blemishes. I still need concealer because this BB cream is not buildable. You will end up with cakey result if you use it more than one layer.
Overall, it was my favorite base makeup last summer since my country has crazy summertime. But these latest days when it becomes rainy oftentimes and colder, I need a base makeup that has more moistfull effect to my face which is this product doesn’t have. Besides, nowdays I am becoming a fan of glowy makeup ^_^
The conclusion, I love using No Sebum BB Cream when my skin is in a good condition (read: no red blemish and moistfull ) since the formula of this BB is not buildable. I have to make sure using it in a proper amount, so it won’t be cakey. I’ll give it 4 stars of 5 (actually because it’s Innisfree, LOL).

My FOTD using Innisfree No Sebum BB Cream + The Powder
I should cut my bangs and bring it back again -.-

What I like :
  • Good oil control
  • Perfect when I want a matte makeup
  • Waterproof
  • Good coverage
  • No greyish effect
  • No breakout

What I Dislike :
  • The smell maybe too strong
  • Sometime it will be cakey under eye area and smile-line (Don’t blot it with tissue, it just will make it more noticeable. I usually use my face mist then pat it gently with sponge to fix it)

I don’t recommend No Sebum BB Cream for everyone who has dry skin or you all who doesn’t like matte finish. This Bb Cream is good for you with oily skin or you all who loves matte skin.
Finally, that’s all for today. I hope this review will help you. So guys have you tried this BB Cream? What do you think about this BB Cream?


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