Friday, May 19, 2017


Friday, May 19, 2017
Millybridal Prom Dresses

Hey, everyone!

Maybe some of you are doing preparation for summer that will be coming very soon. But, hey, spring is still going on though only left like a month. For that reason, I’m going to talk about fashion in this post. First, I’m going to give you all a suggestion. Don’t leave this spring without any special impression!
If you have one or two special occasions, like Prom Night, in the end of this spring, you may need something awesome to be worn. What would you like to wear? Black dresses? Are you sure?
Well, for this spring, we may rethink wearing all-black everything ever again. In my opinion, spring is identical with everything cheerful and colorful. Like drawing blooming flowers onto our outfit. I think this year, zingy colors, like tropical green, eye-popping fuchsia or cheerful yellow would be the rules.
For you who want to get noticed in the rest of Spring this year, you should have and wear these awesome collections from Millybridal. I picked some of their adorable collections for you. Are you ready to taste the rainbow?

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

 Hey, Girls!

I have to admit that I’m a kind of person who’s addicted with cologne. Yes, I am. And this product, actually, is one of my bestie since I was in High School until now. it’s Body Splash Cologne from Mustika Puteri. This is local brand from Indonesia, so I will use Bahasa in this post. Please, use the translate button if you want to read it in English. Happy reading, fellas!

Rasanya banyak yang sudah enggak asing sama produk ini, yah. Mustika Puteri Body Splash Cologne yang aku review kali ini adalah cologne yang udah aku pakai sejak aku SMA (atau malah SMP, yak?) dan masih eksis sampai sekarang. Alasannya sih, karena produk ini mudah banget ditemukan di toko-toko dekat rumah termasuk minimarket kayak Indomaret. Dan harganya affordable banget, murah dan ramah kantong anak sekolahan!
As we know, Mustika Puteri ini dedek kecilnya dari Mustika Ratu yang legendaris itu. So, secara kualitas produk ya, menjanjikan banget. BTW deh, inget nggak kalian, satu produk dari Mustika Puteri yaitu body lotion yang ada glitter-nya? Dulu temen sebangku aku pernah punya dan aku langsung mupeng. Berhubung waktu SMA aku lebih suka jajan cilok, jadi enggak sempat beli. Eh, sekarang kok udah enggak nemu produk itu lagi T.T *crying
Daripada ke mana-mana, langsung diulas aja, yuk! Varian yang akan aku review ini adalah Mustika Puteri Body Splash Cologne – Rose.

Thursday, May 4, 2017


Thursday, May 4, 2017

Hello! How are you, pretties?

If you notice from my older posts, I have mentioned that I’m not a big fan of matte lipstick. But I’m kinda crazy with pink color, so I decided to buy this. What’s more, my favorite beauty guru, Ssin-nim, said on her video that this product is quite awesome and worth it to try.

This is Kiss Lover Style_M from brand TonyMoly. And I got mine in shade PK01, the prettiest color in my opinion. Well, actually the other colors are all pretty, hehee...

TonyMoly Kiss Lover Style has two different types on their collections. M for Matte and S for Smooth. This is quite similar with the Kiss Lover Lip Click I’ve reviewed here.

The style M provides us not only matte result but also vivid color with complete longlasting coverage. It contains mango seed butter and shea butter that keep lips full moisture. Sounds like amazing promises, but since I’m not that satisfied with their sister (Kiss Lover Lip Click), I’m not going to put my high expectation on this product. But who knows?

Okay, let’s not talking too much and enjoy my review of TonyMoly Kiss Lover Style _M in PK01!

Saturday, April 22, 2017


Saturday, April 22, 2017

Hello sweeties!

If you love Korean cosmetics, you must be know that they have tons of lip tint product collections. The interesting thing is mostly they make it in cute and unique packaging. I personally love lip tint since it gives pretty stain even when the product fades away after hours. Of course, the cute package is another reason why I do love lip tint products. Hee...
Well, today I bring you a review for a very cute lip tint product from The Saem, a brand of cosmetics from Korea. This time I’d like to share about Saemmul Water Candy Tint. Actually they come in 5 shades, mine are number 1 (Cherry) and 5 (Watermelon).
Please, enjoy the pics and happy reading ~

Yang suka koleksi lip tint gemes dari Korea, ayo tunjuk jari! Hihii...

Menurutku daya tarik produk kosmetik Korea itu selain kualitasnya yang memang oke dengan harga yang cukup terjangkau, tak lain adalah kemasan produknya yang unyu-unyu bikin gemes. Iya kan?
Walaupun koleksi lip tint di rumah sudah overload, tapi kalau ada produk baru yang packaging-nya cute dikiit aja, rasanya gak nahan kepingin beli lagi. Kalau kalian suka kayak gitu, that means kalian adalah banci packaging, just like me! Bhakk!

Beberapa waktu lalu aku lihat di salah satu olshop kalau The Saem punya produk lip tint baru yang kemasannya bikin aku gagal move on. Mau enggak beli, karena masih punya banyak lip tint di rumah, tapi malah bikin enggak bisa tidur nyenyak. Daripada kepikiran terus bikin badan tambah kurus, akhirnya aku beli aja hihii...

The Saem Saemmul Water Candy Tint. Lip tint ini punya total 5 shades yang menurutku warnanya agak mirip-mirip gitu. Jadilah aku beli dua shades aja, yaitu No. 1 (Cherry) dan No. 5 (Watermelon).

Saturday, April 15, 2017


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Hello acne fighters!

Siapa di sini yang paling sebel sama jerawat? Hayo, tunjuk tangan!

Rasanya enggak sedikit dari kita yang bermusuhan dengan jerawat, ya. Apalagi kita sebagai cewek pasti menginginkan wajah yang bersih dan mulus agar bisa tampil maksimal. Tumbuh jerawat sebiji aja di wajah, errr... Bisa-bisa bad mood seharian! Jadi enggak PD kalau ketemu orang lain dan sakitnya juga mengganggu banget.

By the way, apa sih jerawat itu dan bagaimana bisa muncul di wajah kita?

Jerawat atau dikenal juga dengan acne vulgaris, pimples atau comedon adalah permasalahan kulit yang disebabkan oleh produksi minyak berlebih yang tercampur dengan sel-sel kulit mati sehingga menyumbat pori-pori kulit dan mengakibatkan peradangan. Peradangan ini biasanya disertai nanah, ruam dan rasa sakit. Faktor pemicu jerawat sendiri ada banyak, misalnya karena stres, kurang istirahat, makanan yang berlemak, penggunaan makeup dan skincare yang tidak cocok, hingga pubertas.

Nah, sebagai acne fighter yang sudah lama berkutat dengan jerawat, aku mau sharing kepada kalian beberapa tips mengurangi tumbuhnya jerawat dan mencegahnya agar tidak semakin parah berdasarkan pengalamanku. Are you ready? Let’s fight!
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